Icon Law Blog

Reasons to Update a Will in Massachusetts

A lot of people have the idea that writing a will is a task they will only need to complete once. Failing to review a will and make changes periodically, however, can have unintended future consequences, such as an unintentional disinheritance of certain heirs or the distribution of portions of the estate to unintended parties.

Estate Planning in Massachusetts: Important Tips for Singles

According to Massachusetts law, in the absence of a will the estate is passed on to family members. In the absence of a spouse, the estate would pass first to any children that may be present. If there are no children the estate would be split and passed to each surviving parent. In the absence of a surviving parent, the estate passes to siblings. If there are no siblings, than the estate passes to the next closest living relative. If a relative is not located, the estate passes to the commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Difficult Estate Planning Outcomes to Avoid

Families can struggle during times of crisis, and Massachusetts residents may want to think about common issues to avoid in order to simplify the handling of estate-related affairs after their death. Without effective estate planning, there could be serious conflicts later.

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