
Probate Litigation

Massachusetts Probate Cases Require Many Forms

When dealing with a probate case in Massachusetts, you have to handle a lot of paperwork. First, there's the paperwork associated with the estate, including wills, trust documents, and insurance policies. Once you get everything together, however, you aren't done with the paperwork.

Know Your Rights During Will Contests

Losing a loved one isn't easy, but the pain of the loss seems to be magnified for some when they learn that the will their loved one left will have to go through probate litigation because of disputes. The sad fact of the matter is that there are sometimes questions about a will's validity. In some cases, there are family disputes that lead to those questions.

Are There Options to Probating an Estate in Massachusetts?

Most people have a general understanding of what it means to have a will as well as to deal with family property when there isn't a will and similar basics of estate probate. When they've lost a loved one, however, these and other legalities can seem overwhelming.

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